:: The High Council ::

The central political entity, The High Council is a gathering of great minds who act as a governing body for the order and an advisory board for the Pact Senate. Elected to guide The Pact, they are responsible for law enforcement and peacekeeping, along with war/intelligence handling.

Tarn Vedran have created a new group for the High Council.
:: The High Council Structure ::

The head of the High Council is the alliance leader. The structure can be seen as:

Department of Justice
Department of Internal/External Affairs
Department of War or the High Command
Department of Intelligence

Binding the High Council, we will have three judges.

The actual members are:

War Chief - Tarn Vedran
--General - xRay

Diplomatic Minister - WarEagle
--Diplomatic Officer - Tripderham
--Diplomatic Team

Minister of Intelligence - Tripderham
--Intelligence Agent - xRay
--Spy Squad

Chief Justices
--Dave of Stoft
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